In-Person Salon | Connection through the Senses

about this event

humhum and Think Olio are collaborating to bring you the best of our worlds; an experience centered on education, community, mindfulness and meaningful connection!

We’re hosting a unique two-hour in-person connection experience for our New York community, that weaves together an engaging and informative themed topic: Embodiment and Connection Through the Senses—Ways to communicate and share the corporeal experience in person, led by Olio Instructor and Yoga Teacher Nikki Calonge and the team at humhum with breath, mindfulness, movement, and guided conscious dialogue to invite meaningful, and playful exchanges with other attendees.

*BIPoC Individuals, you’re invited to use the discount code BIPOC for 25% off your ticket.

About the discovery topic:

Embodiment and Connection Through The Senses—Ways to communicate and share our inner space, in-person, with intention.

What does embodiment mean to you? And how do we express this? This experience plays with techniques for how to teach and learn the body through exploring the senses. Using Katonah yoga theory, a decolonization lens, and the creative process, we’ll consider how to strengthen the connection to the body, the spirit, and to one another as we expand and contract into our environments. Be prepared for the reflective, the conversational, and the experiential.

How the evening will flow:

We kick off with an ice-breaker, and then jump into a themed lecture/workshop with Nikki Calonge, re-mixed with small group breakout sessions between each workshop portion to foster connection.

humhum will facilitate small groups to explore a theme-based prompt to deepen your understanding of the topic offered, and build new connections with others in the community. Throughout the experience you’ll flow in and out of the large group for sharing and q+a and small groups to connect with new people more deeply. humhum facilitators offer guided mindfulness and breath practices to center you in yourself as you connect with new people.

humhum’s jam is removing friction from forming new connections; we offer a topic, keep time, let you know who speaks when, and how to keep in touch after if there is shared interest to do so. All you have to do is show up, be yourself, focus on your experience and enjoy the new connections you’re making.

This experience is connection centric, not dating—however we welcome both folks available to dating and those who are unavailable. Because dating is humhum’s wheelhouse, for those of you available to dating we help you follow up on connections you’re interested in.

For all attendees, we offer a private form where you indicate who you’d like to stay connected to and what you’re available to e.g. friendship or intrigued to explore something more. If there is reciprocity, humhum makes an email intro after the event, and helps you deepen in your connection beyond this experience. Don’t worry, if you put “intrigued” and someone else put “friendly,” your secret is safe with us and we connect you as friends to keep in touch.

About humhum

humhum — a platform for conscious, human-to-human connection, and dating offers experiences that bring us closer to ourselves as we connect with one another. Think mindful speed-dating with new friends, around a topic you’ve just learned about.

Cultivate heart/mind qualities that support healthy relationships:

  • Presence
  • Discernment
  • Personal accountability
  • Playfulness
  • Kindness
  • Self-Compassion
  • Embodiment
  • Non-Attachment