How to Have Sacred Sex

Sacred sex brings mindfulness, intention, and spiritual connection into sexual experiences. When you bring the sacred into sex, you can heighten pleasure, connection, and love.

Sacred sex is not just about the physical act of intercourse, it’s about the connection, intention, and mindfulness that you bring to the experience.

The goal here isn’t to orgasm, but to connect with oneself and one’s partner on a deeper level and to use the experience as a way to connect with a higher power or spiritual source. How do you elevate sex into the sacred?

Be fully present in the moment and fully aware of the sensations, emotions, and thoughts that arise during the sexual experience. his means being fully aware of the sensations, emotions, and thoughts that arise during the experience and allowing yourself to fully experience them. It also means being fully present and engaged with your partner, rather than letting your mind wander to other things. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and visualization can facilitate this both before and during love making.

Set a specific goal or intention for the sexual experience, such as connecting with your partner on a deeper level or using the experience as a way to connect with a higher power. This intention can be set before the sexual experience with your parter, or individually.

Make Time
To incorporate sacred sex into your love life, you can start by setting aside time to really connect and savor the sensations of love making.

Speak your truth and your desires to your partner. Express what you love about them and what you find sexy.

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