British Spiritual Healer Malcolm Smith – Healing Sessions

about this event

 We’re delighted to be welcoming internationally admired British Spiritual Healer Malcolm Smith back to NYC in October.

 Malcolm Smith, “Spiritual Healer” from Yorkshire, England, has restored sight and hearing, cured “incurable” diseases including cancer, and changed hundreds of lives. 

  For over 35 years, Malcolm Smith’s incredible healing gifts have relieved pain, suffering and disease for thousands of people—and scores of companion animals. “God does the healing, not me,” says Malcolm. He doesn’t know why he was granted the gift of healing, but he humbly accepts the reality that he was chosen to ease the suffering of people from all walks of life with the healing balm of his touch.

Because of our government’s restrictions on travel from the UK, Malcolm did not visit the US from the beginning of the pandemic until this Spring. Now that those restrictions are lifted, Malcolm is making up for lost time— and he’s looking forward to seeing his many friends in NYC and other parts of the US–and meeting more. 

Read testimonials here:

Malcolm will offer individual, private half-hour healing sessions from Friday, Oct 14 through Sunday, Oct. 16. First session of each day is at 9:30 am. Last session ends at 6 pm. Fee: $100.00. After paying for your ticket, you must contact us to set date/time of session. 

 IMPORTANT: Please note the Balance Arts COVID-19 Policy:

MASKS: Balance Arts Center requires that all persons who enter wear masks in the public areas of the Center (hallways, waiting rooms, etc.)

VACCINATION STATUS: Balance Arts is making a SPECIAL EXCEPTION to their vaccination policy for Malcolm’s clients. Un-vaccinated clients may have sessions with Malcolm at BAC as long as they don’t linger long at BAC before or after their session.