Ancestral Honoring Virtual Circle

about this event

For many cultures, the mid point between the autumn equinox and winter solstice is considered to be a special time when the veils between worlds are the thinnest.

This time of the year offers favorable circumstances for humans to call upon our ancestors and acknoledge our individual and collective origins.

From ancient Aztec rituals to Celtic spiritual traditions, people from diverse lineages around the world have remembered, honored and celebrated the Ancestors in a variety of ways.

You are invited to join us in a virtual sacred circle to honor your Ancestors. This will also be an opportunity to remember and honor the ancestral peoples who were the stewards of the lands we live in today.

We will be sharing memories, stories and songs from the ones who have walked before us, cultivating gratitude for the gifts we inherited and offering our compassionate heart for the sufferings and accumulated generational traumas. 

This is a non-dogmatic circle and all beliefs are welcome.

Essentially, this online gathering will be a celebration of the gift of the immortal life force that runs in our bodies accross the ages, seeding a prayer of blessings to unfold into future generations.