What Does it Mean to Create an Altar and Spaces of Devotion?

Guide to Crystals

This article is by Esmeralda, founder and weaver of Ritmos Sagrados,

Altars are an ancient and ancestral way of being in relation with the unseen and our heart’s paths. An altar is a sanctified devotional space created through our heart’s intentions. Not only do our intentions weave our altar but the loving support of elemental companions ~ the stones, feathers, candles, water, and more ~ weave it into the physical. 

Altars are devotional spaces where we are gifted the opportunity to deepen our relation to ourselves, our ancestors, and the land that holds us. An altar energetically embodies the fertile soils that support the blooming of the dream seeds held in our hearts. An altar lovingly invites us … to pause … for a moment and encourages us to tend to our devotional practices.

Before we sanctify a space as sacred, we must first physically and energetically cleanse the space. This could be a shelf, a night stand, a window sill, or any space that can hold you gently. We must also cleanse the beloved companions that will be supporting the weaving of the altar. Cleansing is welcomed through all phases of your altar. You can do so with a wand of selenite or an herbal companion that walks with you, such as Grandmother Juniper, Chaparral, Cedar, and more.

When we weave an altar, we are also weaving an agreement to be in relation with this altar and any ancestors we may invite to join us. We agree to lovingly tend to our prayers and intentions in this way. It is the medicine of accountability. When you place a vase with flowers or a bowl of water as an offering in a few days you will witness the flowers begin to wilt and the water begin to evaporate. I perceive this as the offerings being received as well as an invitation to renew the offerings and intentions.

Altars are also a reflection of ourselves. At times you may witness your radiant altar beaming so brightly you are often inspired to meet yourself there. Other times you may witness dust collecting, wilting flowers, or an empty water bowl. This tends to mirror back to us how we are feeling; how bright or dim our inner light is. It can also mirror how often we are tending to ourselves. Are we showing up daily or once a week?

When I weave an altar, it is an extension of my heart. An ever evolving love language to myself, my council, Earth Mother, and the Great Mystery. It is an agreement I have made with myself and the unseen to remain in devotion. Through the years, I have witnessed how weaving altars ripples through every layer of my being and my heart’s path. Through this relation I have realized the importance of tending to my altar. I begin and end my day at my altar and will continue to do so for as long as I live. 

May this article inspire you to renew your current altar or even create one for the very first time! Allow your heart to guide the weaving of your altar. There is no wrong way or one way of weaving an altar. Just remember, when opening an altar we are making an agreement with ourselves and our beloved council to show up and tend to this way of being in relation.


My gifted name is Esmeralda. I am faerie walking upon the earth with love and reverence. Devoted to being of service through ancestral ways of healing, Central and South American Curanderismo. 

I am the founder and weaver of Ritmos Sagrados

Ritmos Sagrados translates to Sacred Rhythms. This name was gifted to me as I kneeled at my altar. It is a true gift to receive this name, as our healing sessions, ceremonies and apothecary are in harmony with the rhythms of our Earth Mother…

If you would like to learn more about altars and how to weave them, you can attend my class at Spirit Weavers. I will be there for both Sun and Moon Session. If you are unable to attend this year, you can visit my website or Instagram to follow along for upcoming workshops.

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