In 2024, an abundance of innovative techniques and technologies are reshaping how we perceive and approach our well-being. From advanced cellular therapies to mind-altering psychedelics, these are the top trends we’ve seen:

  1. Sleep Hacking: I love my smart mattress topper, which lowers the temperature after I’ve fallen asleep to make sure I get sufficient deep sleep for recovery. It also tracks my HRV and heart rate. But you don’t need to make a big purchase to optimize your sleep. Here’s how to hack your sleep to maximize your recovery and health.
  2. Energy Healing: Reiki and sound therapy are gaining traction within the biohacking community. Quantum physics has proven we are made of energy, so the theory is (which I fully believe) that bringing coherent vibrations into the body can bring the physical form into health and harmony.
  3. Psychedelic Therapy: With growing interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, biohackers are turning to substances like psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine to address mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Guided psychedelic experiences, often facilitated by trained professionals, are being embraced as a means of achieving profound emotional healing and personal transformation.
  4. Stem Cells: Stem cell therapy involves harnessing the body’s own regenerative potential by utilizing stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissues and organs. These versatile cells have the remarkable ability to differentiate into various cell types, offering hope for conditions ranging from orthopedic injuries to neurological disorders. Meanwhile, exosomes, tiny vesicles secreted by cells, are gaining recognition for their role in facilitating cellular communication and promoting tissue repair.
  5. Exosomes: With their ability to modulate the immune response and stimulate tissue regeneration, exosomes offer new avenues for treating chronic diseases and promoting longevity. From addressing age-related degeneration to enhancing athletic performance, these cutting-edge treatments are garnering attention for their ability to promote healing and rejuvenation at the cellular level.
  6. Nootropics: Nootropics, or cognitive enhancers, are being studied for their (alleged) ability to optimize brain function and enhance mental clarity. Studies show ashwagandha and L-theanine can positively affect cognitive function, but a lot of attention is given to novel compounds such as racetams and adaptogens, which haven’t had many conclusive studies yet. As lovers of ayurveda, I trust an ancient science and add ashwagandha to my morning tonic on days I want more clarity.
  7. NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide): NAD+, a coenzyme involved in various cellular processes, has been called the “fountain of youth” for its potential anti-aging properties. Here are some ways to boost NAD+ levels naturally, to enhance mitochondrial function and promoting longevity.
  8. Gut Health: The gut microbiome continues to be a focal point of biohacking efforts, as research increasingly links gut health to overall physical and mental health. Probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods, and personalized dietary protocols are being utilized to optimize gut flora and support digestive health. You can start by eating more fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi. We recommend a fungi-based probiotic, especially for those with autoimmune conditions.
  9. Red Light: Red light is everywhere, a new feature in nearly every new electric beauty and wellness device. It’s used for its ability to heal and regenerate skin, restore hair, and make melatonin.
  10. Hydrogen Water: Biohackers are hailing hydrogen water for its potential to elevate energy levels, diminish inflammation, and expedite recovery post-exercise. A small-scale study involving 10 soccer players indicated that consumption of hydrogen water could mitigate muscle fatigue and the decline in muscle function resulting from physical exertion.
  11. Peptides: Peptide therapies, which involve the use of short chains of amino acids to regulate various physiological processes, are gaining popularity for their versatility and targeted effects. From enhancing muscle growth and recovery to improving cognitive function and longevity, peptides offer a wide range of potential benefits for biohackers.
  12. Contrast Therapy: Ice plunges have become synonymous with biohacking, but with more scientific studies backing them, as well as studies on the benefits of saunas for heart health and NAD+ levels (see #6), contrast therapy is only growing more ubiquitous in 2024.

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