Trance Writing Workshop with Daniel Ryan

about this event

TRANCE WRITING: Virtual Hypnosis and Guided Imagery for Flow and Creativity

This trance writing workshop feels like a relaxation lab. We’ll examine new pathways to peak states of flow, inspiration, and productivity. Learn how to discard what’s not serving us as writers and humans, the philosophy of non-duality and the art of play. These concepts are all seamlessly threaded into this process.

Experience intervals of creative practice, teaching stories, productivity hacks, explorations of trance and flow, and opportunities to write and capture the lessons that emerge as tools of emotional relief. Whether new ideas are actively sought out or passive, creativity is always available if we know how to invite it.

Based in meditation, hypnotherapy, and past life regression, we’ll be actively working with trance and using the breath to access altered states for writing

Who’s this workshop for?

Writers, artists, entrepreneurs, and all students of life are invited to join.

What’s the recommended preparation?

A quiet space, comfortable headphones, water and/or tea, a notebook, and your favorite pen.


Daniel Ryan has consulted with Bank of America, Buzzfeed, McCann Health, and many other companies building experiences that deeply explore consciousness, mindfulness, and the art of shifting culture. He is the Co-director at The Center for Integrative Hypnosis in New York City. With offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn, he has maintained a private practice since 2011 and has board certifications in hypnotherapy, regression therapy, and neuro-linguistic psychology.

As a second-generation practitioner, Daniel has a unique story. Hypnosis is his family business and over decades of experience, today he champions ethical practice alongside thought-leadership and exploration into new territory.


Wellbeings is a global community of wellness buffs. Based in NYC, we’re 500 yogis, meditation teachers, healers, dietitians, doctors and all types of thought leaders within innovation for social good. We’re finding solutions for America’s health crisis through wellness, mentorship and travel, helping to prevent career burnout and strengthen leadership in the workplace. We envision a healthier world enriched with strong community, compassion and kindness.