Starseed Activation Intensive

about this event


“Each human carries a unique signature of angelic, galactic, elemental, and ancestral energies— a unique cosmic heritage.” – Jamye Price, Opening to Light Language

In the 5-Week Online Group Intensive, we will deeply explore what it means to be a multidimensional being and how light language supports the next quantum leap in human evolution.

Perhaps you are already speaking light language and would like to know more about it. You may also feel drawn to light language without knowing why. But your soul knows.

You are ready for cosmic remembrance, an upgrade in consciousness that can be activated by the profound healing modality of Light Language.

Offered by Angelica Grace Solii, practitioner of Celestial Shamanism.

*Please note, there is NO EVENT on Nov. 10.

The online, self-paced portion of the intensive opens on Nov. 10. The first official live call is Nov. 15 at 3pm Eastern.

For more information, to book a discovery call, or to register: