about this event

Ready to venture deeper into your spiritual path?  Looking for a space to reclaim your authenticity? Join Stephanie and Enter into this quantum ritual of meeting Your Truth, Your Authenticity, and Your Higher Self

In this ritual experience: 

            •          You will be guided into a deep and restful visual meditation infused with Reiki, Quantum Energy, Light Language and Sound Healing. 

            •          You will experience the vital practice of proclaiming your authenticity through Theta Affirmations. 

            •          You will work with and receive an energetically charged candle to invoke support and love in your journey, and a step by step ritual guide customized for this ritual experience. 

From this experience you can expect to:

            •          Magnify your intuitive and manifesting abilities through receiving Light Language 

            •          Feel a sensation of wholeness within

            •          Receive energetic support for your auric field and Chakras

            •          Connect with Your Higher Self’s Love, Authenticity, Intuition 

            •          Feel rested and / or invigorated with energy

This experience is for You if You are ready to tap into Your gifts and proclaim and claim all that You are in this multidimensional experience.