Soul Care Mini Retreat: Return Home To Yourself

about this event

The SOUL CARE mini retreat is an extraordinary opportunity learn how to tap into your soul, reconnecting to your essence and joy by acknowledging your strengths, your story, and the authentic expression that flows effortlessly from your core.

Come experience the expansion and freedom when movement, energy work, and intention combine in full support of your spirit.

This workshop is a 2-hour experience led by Alexandra Moga and Lauren Baptiste as they support the layers to the soul. They’ll begin to awaken the physical layer through movement, then use energy techniques to free the mind and emotions and spirit. From there, you’ll be invited in reflection techniques that guide you back to your heart and the inspired life you want to live starting now!

By coming together in an amazing circle of individuals, the healing begins. As a result of this workshop, we begin to understand what we need to unveil love and lead a life of who we truly are.