about this event

There is so much pressure to start managing fertility once you turn 30! Is the ‘fertility cliff’ at 35 for real? Do we all need to freeze our eggs? When is it too late?! What’s the process of egg freezing actually like? Do I have any other options? This class will tell us everything we need to know! Dr. Joesph Davis of Cayman Fertility Centre (where you can get the procedure done), and Dr. Aumatma Shah (a naturopathic doctor who helps people get pregnant naturally) will walk us through from their varied perspectives and experiences. Phew! BRING YOUR PALS TO CLASS.

*All classes are 75 min long. You can submit questions for the instructor during the first 15 min of class. Attendees must have access to the internet and ZOOM (we’ll show you how to get it!).

*cost an issue? we have a community fund. access here.

We offer lots of different classes, check them out HERE. Want to take multiple classes? Get an unlimited class package HERE.

Allbodies is on a mission to help ya’ll find more freedom, power + fun with your body! Follow along on instagram HERE.