Reconnect the Disconnect w / Anna Murray

about this event

Reclaim your freedom and create new rituals around digital.


There couldn’t be a better person to bring into this conversation about Digital Minimalism than Anna Murray, co-founder of Patternity and co-explorer of patterns and cycles of all kinds.

We clicked right away due to mutual interest in the menstrual cycle, and I was only to find out later the impact Anna has on how we see the world – several books, countless collaborations with the likes of John Lewis, Ace Hotel, Sunpel, Wellcome Trust, Penguin Books.. to name a few.

You could literally wear and surround yourself with all things Patternity and you wouldn’t miss a thing.

The mission of Patternity is to reconnect the disconnect, which I love. There is a YES to a connection (with the wonderful world around us), which positively drives us to find inspiration in the usually “unseen” aspects of the physical world, re-connect to the “web of life around us” – as well as each other and ourselves.

In this conversation we’ll explore the importance of noticing (life) and how becoming a “see-er” could be the best boost of creativity, how science and spirituality meet with technology and why should we reconnect the disconnect now.

I’m looking forward to seeing you on Zoom on October 12th, 6:30 pm BST.

Meanwhile, I leave you with the Manifesto of Patternity:


Pattern is everywhere we go and it’s in everything we do

It’s there when we look up, down and all around, outside ourselves and deep within

Pattern speaks a powerful universal language that connects us all

We’re living in an age of overload and complexity

The systems we are a part of are failing

We’ve become so focused on the ‘I’ not the ‘we’

We have lost our sense of connection to our environment, each other and to ourselves

It’s time to wake up and reconnect the dots

Let’s start asking questions:

Can the way we look at the smaller details enhance our awareness of the bigger picture?

If we visualise the unseen, can it create true innovation?

Does being more mindful make us happier and healthier?

Can being more grateful every day affect the world around us?

How can our interconnectivity with nature teach us all to live more sustainable lives?

Let’s be more curious

Let’s look closely, notice the details and appreciate the excellence of our everyday world

Let’s look beyond, dig deeper, and feel part of a beautiful interconnected whole

Let’s open up as we celebrate nature’s cycles, the rhythms that shape and give meaning to life

Let’s listen to the wisdom she wants to share

It’s time to come together to collaborate, play, wonder and explore

Let’s learn from the patterns of the past and co-create a new pattern for the future

Let’s reconnect the disconnect

What is Patternity?

PATTERNITY is a ‘Conscious Creative Organisation’ founded by Anna Murray and Grace Winteringham in London in 2009. Playfully but purposefully merging the worlds of science, spirituality, and sustainability with nature, design and wellbeing our multi-disciplinary platform, projects, products and events activate pattern awareness and understanding; inspiring more curious, collaborative and connected ways of being in modern life.

In increasingly fragmented times we act as catalysts for culture change; supporting our global community of pattern explorers and collaborators to access higher pattern consciousness and creativity – in doing so we align harmoniously with the web of life, each other, and indeed ourselves.

Picture above: Patternity

About Digital Minimalist programme

Can we become more mindful about what we’re absorbing and consuming?

Not just as food and stuff we put on our skin, but also words, images and information coming from outside of us. Can we turn the volume down, so we could delve deeper into the information already within? So we can contribute to the world with more authenticity.

I’ve been there and done it all. I’ve been a “digital addict” compulsively checking my two BlackBerry’s (remember those?) and replying to emails 3 am at night – feeling in absolute anxiety if I let anyone wait for a response longer than 24h.

Was I respecting myself and my wellbeing? Definitely not.

Did I give myself time and space to really tune in to my intuition and “receive” the answers what to do next? No. And I felt the consequences.

Are you intrigued?

Welcome to the Digital Minimalism programme to explore and share my experience in mindful and intentional relationship with digital & digital marketing.



The online workshops are held live on Zoom and recorded, so you will have access to all replays:

Saturday 13th June 2020 / 1pm BST (British Summer Time) – how to create an analogue morning & evening ritual

Monday, 13th July 2020 / 1pm BST – emails, messages and all the fun

Tuesday, 11th August 2020 / 1pm BST – guest: Anna Vildaus, Brand Strategist)

Monday, 14th Sept 2020 / 6pm BST – guest: Eleanor O’Leary, award-winning brand consultant

Monday, 12th Oct 2020 / 6:30pm BST (guest: Anna Murray, co-founder of Patternity)

Thursday, 26th Nov / 1pm GMT (guest: Lavinia Tan, founder of Wild Muse Journal)

Who is it for?

For anyone who is trying to navigate the digital realm and sometimes finding him/herself drowning in it. Wherever you are right now. Whether you run most of your business or social or post pictures of your cat.

What is included in “Fully Minimal”?

  • instant PDF download (you’ll get an email with instructions)
  • Invite to the Community on Slack
  • 6 monthly interactive Digital Mindfulness Workshops where we explore different topics from analogue morning rituals and healthy email management to marketing your business on Instagram in a way that doesn’t kill your vibe (with some cool guests who share their knowledge!)

How much?

£58 or you can attend any individual workshop with the “dipping in” ticket