Radical Self FREE Masterclass

about this event


Join Anna, founder of anâhata coaching for a one hour transformational mind-body workshop. Anna will offer a taster of frameworks, exercises and mind-body practices from anâhata coaching’s Radical Life programme.

Expect exploration, sharing, fun, digging deep and some calming, nourishing and deepening breathwork.

anâhata coaching offers group coaching programmes, 1:1 transformational life and leadership coaching and mind-body coaching, supporting you to deepen your connection to your self, others, nature and the world.

This taster is from Radical Self – a rich holistic group programme for dreamers, innovators, creatives and entrepreneurs to explore your deepest self, connect to your wildest dreams and take meaningful action in the world and your communities. It is a beautiful journey of self-discovery, growth and transformation, designed with intention.

Our radical self is that self that is prepared to investigate, to be vulnerable and to be true to our deepest selves. Our radical self holds the power of growth, authenticity, healing, change and action. Our radical self is here present on this earth – it is you in this lifetime, your life force in your unique body with your unique blueprint.

Accessing and understanding the power of your radical self will enable you to:

· envision the next version of you and step forward to claim it

· shift limiting patterns and beliefs out of the way

· embrace discomfort and resistance with curiosity

· find a greater sense of peace, health and balance

· uncover deeper meaning in all aspects of your life and work

This taster is for you if you:

· are juggling a busy work and home life and too often feel tired or overwhelmed

· feel like you are rarely able to pause and find time for yourself

· are running the treadmill of life every day but not quite sure where it’s heading

· want more control over your time and autonomy

· get frustrated, annoyed or lose your cool more often than you’d like

· are not fully satisfied or as enthused about life as you ‘d like

· are searching for deeper meaning and to make sense of things

· know you need to look after your health and wellbeing more but struggle to sustain practices and routines

· want to begin or to deepen your exploration of the mind-body connection

· are keen to explore new movement, breathwork and yoga practices

· would love a toolkit of simple wellbeing practices you can bring in to your every-day life

· crave more human connection and discussion about things that really matter

· know what you want yet also know something or someone is holding you back

· care passionately about the world and the work you are doing but something has lost its spark

· are going through a transition period

· have had a taste of something beautiful and full of possibility and you want to continue your journey

· want to learn new frameworks and techniques for self-enquiry, reflection and self-development

Come explore!

more info on the full programme at www.anahatacoaching.co.uk