Keys to Blissful Sleep- Tired of the nightly tango with sleeplessness?

about this event

🌙✨ Dive into Keys to Blissful Sleep – your online passport to dreamland! Join me, a Complementary Alternative Medicine shamanic Reiki master with 25+ years of generating holistic health including some sleep sorcery, as we unlock the secrets to deep, rejuvenating slumber.

Tired of the nightly tango with sleeplessness? Sick of the snooze button being your best friend in the morning? Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to a well-deserved, sleep with the ‘Angelitos’.

In this online live workshop, discover the bedtime rituals, environment hacks, and relaxation wizardry that’ll make your ZZZs as epic as a catnap under a cozy sunbeam. We’re talking small changes, big dreams!

Struggling with sleep and craving clarity on the root causes, support to carve out time for self-care and having the right like just everyone else to enjoy the Elixir of Life, this event is tailor-made for you. Don’t miss out! Mark your calendar and get ready to snooze like never before. Join Keys to Blissful Sleep – where even sheep are jealous of your sleep game! 🌙💤 when you unlock the Keys to Blissful Sleep during this online live interactive workshop!