What is a Dreaming Practice ?

This article is by Gina Biamonte

Whether you are a big dreamer that enters the expanse and then has no clue what to do with it OR are someone that never remembers your dreams, putting energy into the dream time will benefit you.  With a little effort, those that “don’t dream” remember and those that do, start to find meaning in the symbolism. 

Humans spend about ⅓ of their waking lives dreaming.  If you remember them or not, they still exist.  It seems rather crazy to me to think of them as pointless, meaningless, or something that can be ignored. 

We all know, we’ve had dreams that we can’t shake, that jolt us awake, or empower us with such a strong feeling, we have to listen.  Those are your dream spirits speaking to you, the universe guiding you.  You see, the dreamtime is just our subconscoiuness’s filing cabinet.  Whatever shows up, we are in relation with or being asked to be in relationship with, in some way shape or form.  Highschool coming up- what was going on for you at that time? Red roses in your dreams? Oh ya, my grandmother loved red roses, maybe that’s her? Yes, your ancestors are alive in the dreamtime.  

It’s all about learning to navigate that field and finding the symbols you already have inside your heart and mind, and learning what they mean. There’s an infinity that can show up and a lot of this practice is about learning step by step, finding similarities, looking at what’s currently going on in your life, and finding meaning through wearing the dream. 

Simple tips for Awakening the Dream: 

*Ask a question to the dream spirits before falling asleep (Show me how to find more confidence..) 

*Drink Mugwort or Blue Lotus tea before bed (Mugwort not for pregnant woman!) 

*Take a passion flower essence to awaken your third eye 

*Set a dream journal by your bed, record your dream the moment you wake up

*Try my blue dream dream tincture! 

*Take Grandmother Sarah’s Dreamer and the Messenger Class

*Find a dream circle and witness

*Create a nightly ritual before going to bed that prepares your body for sleep, you can ask to dream during this time and can also ask to be blessed to remember. 

*Share your dreams and hear other’s dreams, it awakens your dream chi

*Do a 3rd eye clearing meditation before going to sleep 

I hope this helps you find a sense of depth in the dream time or even awakens a little light in yours.  If you want to learn more, you can always find me at Gina Rose Medicine.

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