Intuitive Body Retreat

about this event

An experiential retreat centered around mindful eating, embodied movement, and ecotherapy (nature-based healing). Led by yoga and somatic guide, Gaby Goldberg and licensed psychotherapist, Maia Kiley.

This is a powerful opportunity to drop deeply into your being-ness within intentional community. A guided week of exploration of the relationship between body, food, and nature. And to ground into your body through intuitive listening. During this week we will live into the new way – a feminine, regenerative way of being. – Purchase a free ticket to get more info. Registration & payment required through our website


  • de-condition cultural stories, beliefs, messages, and patterns 
  • live into a new narrative 
  • explore body & self-image through the Divine Lens 
  • alchemize negative emotions and shift into authentic embodiment 
  • learn somatic experiencing tools for grounding and create embodied resources
  • awaken intuition and read information from the unseen world 
  • experience the magic of Ecotherapy – breathe with Earth and dialogue with the non-human world.THIS RETREAT IS 


  • If you’d like to spend Thanksgiving week in supportive community.
  • Are on a journey to feel integrated and connected to your body’s rhythms and messages.
  • If you are actively learning to listen and trust the signals of your body.
  • If you have or currently struggle with disordered eating or negative body image (this is not a replacement for therapy or treatment)
  • Are ready to take responsibility for your well-being as part of the Earth’s health.