Immense Grace Presents: Applied Prosperity

about this event

Yogic Science offers several formulas for tuning your body, mind, and energy field that you can use to increase your magnetism and turn up your prosperity, as well as the strength required to hold it, expand it, and share it. In this immersion, learn to apply yogic techniques, exercises, meditations, and mantras to organize your projection into one that is continuously prosperous and elevating.

Prosperity is so much more than we have been taught to believe. Prosperity is not just money. It is your relationships, your projects, your fulfillment, your spiritual practice, and your capacity to enjoy it ALL.

Along with your developed strength, which aids you in holding, maintaining, and growing what you attract, your level prosperity is also directly related to your electomagnetism, which comes from the power vibrating in your radiant body.

  • Create, maintain, and expand your ability to generate
  • Generate a larger flow or resources into your life
  • Detach from unhelpful thought forms around money and resources

What to Expect:

  • Mantras to align your thought stream to the current of prosperity and magnetize opportunities into your life
  • Yoga Sets for increasing your strength to hold and grow opportunities you magnetize
  • Pranayam (breath) practices to enhance your radiant body and connect to your highest source of intuition
  • Kundalini Yoga teachings for increasing prosperity in your work, relationships, home, and more
  • Practical how-to-application of all of this into your day to day life

In Person at RA MA Los angeles

Virutally on RA MA TV