Cacao & Collage

about this event

Join in a group collage and cacao session – we’ll share some cacao together, I’ll give a short and sweet introduction on the plant, how it grows, and how it effects our body. I work together with a small company in Mexico, and have been able to visit several different cacao regions and farms. Cacao has a heart-opening effect and often leads to a desire to create!

After this we will have plenty of time (and materials) to create some collages. The focus here is on just DOING, without thinking a lot about the images or shapes we are choosing and creating. I will show a couple different ways that you can approach the materials – ways of cutting, combining, picking.

After creating our collages we will do a short round of sharing about our work. Sharing, talking and creating together can help us to understand the subtle messages from our subconscious and give us hints on next steps in life. It is often in this moment of talking out loud about our creation that we may realize more definitively why we gravitated towards certain ways of working or certain images. This is also always a great moment to realize how – beautifully -differently we think and create! Sometimes we will also notice life themes that are coming up for multiple people in the group.

Also, this evening is meant to be both relaxing and enlivening – so don’t worry about previous skills, or performing well, etc. Come as you are.

How the evening looks:

– welcome, getting settled

– cacao sharing! + mini intro

– collaging like there’s no tomorrow

– talking about what we just made with our hands

Group size limited to 15 people. Paper, materials, scissors, etc. provided.