Puerh Brooklyn

Puerh Brooklyn opened in 2015 and was born out of a passion for the shared experience of Tea. The shop provides a space to embrace the diverse cultures of Tea and connect with fellow Tea enthusiasts from around the world. With a carefully selected range of true teas, sourced with love from farms worldwide Puerh Brooklyn showcases over thirty varieties of their signature Puerh tea, each one meticulously assessed for quality in flavor, aroma, and appearance.

In addition to tea, the shop also offers artist-made teaware, high-quality reading materials, and a curated selection of relevant products. Regardless of experience level, from beginners to connoisseurs seeking the finest Gyokuro, all tea enthusiasts are warmly welcomed. Downstairs, there is a private tea room in the gallery where unique Tea experiences can be enjoyed in small or medium-sized groups. The most popular experience is the self-guided “Time with Tea” session: guests can start the tea session with the guidance of the knowledgeable staff and then continue independently to savor tea gong-fu style with their fellow guests.

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