The Beauty Way Retreat at Casa Sagrada

about this event

The beauty way and the path of the human soul are found in deep connection with nature, its elements and the interconnection of energies that link us all.

Finding our expression, finding our truth, finding our courage can be daunting during these times of upheaval and chaos.

We offer you a space to commune with the wisdom of plant allies. with the truth of the elements and the power of community.

Once you arrive at Casa Sagrada, we welcome you with an invitation: to Be.

What does it mean, to just Be?

In our eyes, being is the soul’s essence. Being is feeling connected with your place, your tribe, your family, your ancestors and your mission of service to the Earth.

Through the practices of meditation, shamanic journeys with plant allies, purification rituals, transformative coaching, somatic embodiment, breath and voice, we invite you to explore the threads of the profound remembrance of who you truly are.

In this retreat, we offer you a supportive environment for the integration of your transformation and the deepening of your practices, your healing and embodiment. 

Join us for:

  • Sacred plants ceremonies;
  • Sweat lodges;
  • Ancestral healing circle;
  • Group coaching;
  • Ice baths;
  • Breath and movement practices;
  • Integration circles.

Ticket price includes all offerings above, organic meals and accommodations. 

We strive to offer you a customized, supportive experience. A phone interview is required to all participants prior the attendance of the event.

Contact us for more details 917 392 2580

Our team of facilitators:

AYCHELE HILL – Feminine Empowerment Leader, Mother, Artist, Womb Wisdom keeper and Inner Medicine Woman who incorporates shamanic healing with curated practices of holistic healing, sacred movement and rituals for the highest expression of self-love & care. Her mission is to awaken to our full potential as human beings through personal healing, creative expression and ancient rituals. She supports individuals who are ready to live vibrantly with optimal health, flourishing creativity and great compassion. In her practice, she bridges ancient wisdom to science and arts, striving to serve as a catalyst for empowering narratives that promote the healing of our relationship with self and others.

ALEXANDER HILL – Mentor, Speaker, Father and Founder of Man Tribe. Alexander has been following his soul’s call ever since a near death experience 2013 NYC. Subsequently to this awakening, Alexander dove head first into holistic healing, shamanism and meditation. After becoming a sound healer, yoga teacher and health coach, Alexander was introduced to Men’s Work in 2017, when he found a way to bring all of this healing wisdom to men in a practical and grounded way. He realized that creating true authentic brotherhoods is his purpose and life’s desire. Alexander has spent the last few years in full service to growing Man Tribe and its Community of Men, Women and Children. Now based in Palm Springs, CA, Alexander hosts several retreats per year and is expanding the global community day by day.