about this event




  1. the process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right.

RECLAMATION is a sacred membership space to activate your magic.

This is a space like no other for you to RECLAIM:






Your birthright of BLISS

+ ecstatic, overflowing ABUNDANCE.

It is a virtual sanctuary where you will find:


In your own time, access divine transmissions through pre-recorded materials and supportive worksheets (rooted in the laws of manifestation, 10 days of self pleasure + self love, balancing your masculine + feminine essence), as well as many powerful embodiment practices (rooted in Kundalini, breathwork, Taoism, Tantric, energy medicine, and more) that takes you through a process that meets you where you exactly where you are at and what you need that day.

Whether you are being called into shedding layers of limiting beliefs + trauma, attuning to frequency abundance, dropping into your sacred feminine essence of receiving, healing + activating your relationship to the sacred masculine by taking focused action, deepening your pleasure (and how this expands your whole world), or to really embody your quantum self here now, there are over 30 hours (and always growing) of resources and tools to allow your soul to guide you what you need as you are ever-evolving and expanding!


– Flow With Grace – a complete e-book and Kundalini meditations for each phase of your menstrual cycle, to sync to your natural feminine cycles (or the moon if you are not menstruating!)

– Nutrition for Radiance e-guide

– 10 Days of Self Pleasure journey

– Potent Masterclasses to sink into your feminine, release trauma stored in the body, activate your voice, nourish your visions and manifest your dreams

LIVE GATHERINGS (where so much of the magic unfolds by coming together):

  • Monthly Q+A
  • Vision Holding Ceremonies + Hype Sessions
  • Guest Teacher Masterclasses
  • Monthly workshops and space held by the masculine
  • Resource-sharing directory to connect, trade, and support each other
  • Intimate groups for daily support for fulfillment of your visions
  • Monthly mastermind sessions to support projects + accountability
  • Exclusive spaces for the continuous conversation and support
  • Virtual co-working spaces to drop into focused, flow-state (and make the work-from-home-life less lonely!)
  • New material always growing (ie: diving into topics like working with your Spirit babies, integrating your shadow, or opening up to cervical orgasms for magical manifestation)

RECLAMATION is a space where you get to tap into your magical, quantum self, manifesting all of the abundance and love your heart desires and that your soul knows is meant for you, while feeling supported to work through the shadow and doubts that arise as part of your wonderful human self.

The membership is a 3-month commitment, with the opportunity to continue for a major discount beyond the 3-months. This investment in yourself and your visions can be expected to be returned to you in powerful ways, immediately upon signing up as it signals to the universe you so believe in yourself and are ready to accept the abundant gifts that want to come your way!

Some of you are manifesting overflowing money or a dream job, others are healing relationships of all kinds or calling in the divine lover that your heart is yearning for, some of you will be creating the business of your highest destiny and others are simply cultivating inner peace, radical self-love + healing from trauma.

From my years of working as a consultant and then manifesting my dream life as an entreprenuer living around the world working with clients to fulfill their own dreams, I have seen how all of these different paths are leading us to the same desires of feeling absolutely tapped into this life as magical – where we truly get to hold overflowing abundance + joy, walk + speak in our power, embrace all parts of ourselves, and receive + share divine love.

The beautiful thing about coming together is that we can expand and heal much more powerfully and quickly together than trying to do it all on our own. This space is a place you can think of as a SANCTUARY that allows you to drop into your own delicious HOME, nourishing your holy desires and actually making your greatest visions a reality.

It is an honor to hold such space and I cannot wait to see you inside!!

Membership begins on the day of sign up and continued for 3 months. See you inside, Goddesses!