about this event



Most of you are aware that I’ve been working closely with entheogens for the last 5 years and have even witnessed my evolution. Without these sacred plants, I would not be who I am today — without any doubt, I have less bodily pains and aches, I am less judgemental of myself and others, I have been able to restore my youth, have healed countless traumas and repaired several relationships along the way. I truly believe that for some of you, these sacred plants can be a powerful mechanism to heal and that’s why I am inviting you to join the V(EYE)BES Plant Camp.

To many people, the words psychedelic and spiritual are dissonant on first hearing. Yet the use of psychoactive sacraments in shamanic and religious practices is found throughout history. The word entheogen, used to describe certain plants and chemicals when used for spiritual purposes, emphasizes this long-established relationship.

The word entheogen is a modern term derived from two Ancient Greek words, ἔνθεος (entheos) and γενέσθαι (genesthai). Entheos literally means “god (theos) within”, more freely translated “inspired”. The Greeks used it as a term of praise for poets and other artists. Genesthai means “to cause to be” or becoming. So an entheogen is “that which causes God (or godly inspiration) to be within a person”. Prepared by sages, oracles, high priests, cuarenderas, medicine doctors and yogis, these plants were believed to open neural pathways and facilitate spiritual visions, insight and communion with the Divine. It was also believed to heal the body. Traditionally, entheogens were typically derived from plant sources, and luckily, most do not create drug dependency.

The plants used in Plant Camp may be the most direct and effective teachers many of us have now when we meet them in the best of conditions with a trusted facilitator such as myself, and are able to integrate the insights and openings into our daily lives.

Together we embark on a mystical adventure deep in the field of healing and expansion.

As we traverse the ancient path of Mother Nature’s natural healing, we explore our inner architecture, and with grace, we surrender to what shows up…

Clearing the pathways of our spiritual heart, allows us to dance the divine dance of magic and widens our capacity for endless joy. Surrender is our spiritual tool that creates the space for this healing and awareness and activates our intuition and compassion. This process allows for the reintegration of our inner child and the healing of our ancestors and lineages…

This ceremony is $325 (includes food, overnight stay, and integration). There are limited spaces in order to keep a very safe container for all participants so please RSVP soon.


While most often these plant offerings are generally safe, they can have some unpleasant or extremely dangerous life-threatening effects. If you currently have ANY of the below mentioned conditions or medicinal contraindications, you may NOT participate in Plant Camp. This is to ensure the safety and well-being of you and all other participants. You must be 18+ to participate.


  • MAOIs
  • SSRIs
  • SNRIs
  • CNS (Central Nervous System) Depressants
  • Anti-psychotics
  • Anti-depressants
  • Sleeping Pills
  • Anti-anxiety medicines (Zanax, etc.)
  • Appetite Suppressants (Diet Pills)
  • Amphetamines (including Meth + Dex variants)
  • Antihypertensives (Hight Blood Pressure Medicines)
  • Medicines for Asthma, Bronchitis, or Other Breathing Problems
  • Antihistamines for colds, sinus issues, hayfever, or allergies such as Actifed, Benadryl, Benylin, Chlor-Trimeton, Claritin, Compoz, Flonase, Zirtec, etc.
  • Opiates + Pain Medicine (Fentanyl, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Methadone, etc.)
  • Cocaine
  • Speed
  • Ketamine
  • Any and all other psychedelic, entheogenic and recreational drugs must be cleared from system before you may participate


  • Stroke
  • Epilepsy
  • Heart Conditions
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Liver or Kidney Disease
  • Drug or Alcohol Abuse
  • Currently Pregnant or Breastfeeding
  • Extreme Mental Illness (Schizophrenia, Psychosis, DID, etc.)


  • Kava
  • Kratom
  • Ephedra
  • Ginseng
  • Yohimbe
  • Marijuana/CBD
  • St. John’s Wort

While this list has a lot of special cases, it may not include all known contraindications, so please, if you are taking any prescriptive medicines, have a current illness, or have any concerns or doubts, please email me at info@veyebes.com to check in if Plant Camp is safe for you.

More details on how to prepare and exact Location will distributed by email upon RSVP.