Mukhabhyanga, Ayurvedic Face Massage Workshop

about this event

If you want to have smooth complexion, relaxed and glowing skin without wrinkles, learn secrets from Indian women whose skin is always flawless!

Join us for two hours workshop on principles of Ayurveda, Indian wisdom how to maintain health and wellbeing, followed by Mukhabhyanga, Ayurvedic Face Self-Massage led by Agnieszka Pieterwas.

Agnieszka Pieterwas is the founder of Vrkira Yoga, Los Angeles, a certified yoga teacher, certified Ayurveda therapist, healer, psychologist, and a life coach.

Agnieszka will talk about Ayurvedic principles, different skin problems and its causes, benefits of face massage, and tricks used by Indian women to stay young, beautiful, healthy and glowing.

Note from Agnieszka:

Long time ago I discovered it is not the cream you put on your skin that makes it look younger, it is a MASSAGE. It relaxes and rejuvenates, prevents sagging of the skin, removes facial toxins, nourishes and improves skin complexion.

I have been doing face self-massage since 2008, and since 2014 Mukhabhyanga, Ayurvedic face massage after my training in Kerala, India. It is an EVERYDAY routine for me, like taking shower or brushing my teeth. I use coconut oil because it is good for all three doshas, and also because it is pure nourishing magic!
