MARY MAGDALENE SACRED CIRCLE: Awaken the Divine Feminine Within

about this event

Mary Magdalene beckons us to discover the infinite love within ourselves, replenishing our own cups first and transforming our relationships with the world. Experience the Magic of Mary Magdalene & The Love Frequency(TM) on May 28 from 10am-3pm at the Bend of Ivy Retreat Center near Asheville, NC. Led by Adora Winquist, Founder of The Soul Institute(™), Modern Alchemist, & Vibrational Medicine Expert, this workshop offers a transformative and enchanting spiritual journey.

Invoke The Love Frequency™

Immerse yourself in the Love Frequency and activate dormant potentials within you through a Love Frequency DNA activation. This experience will allow love to flow freely in all aspects of your life.

Healing and Meditation with Mary Magdalene

Participate in a profound healing meditation with Mary Magdalene, tapping into her divine wisdom and receiving her loving guidance. Release emotional blockages, heal old wounds, and embrace your true essence.

Ancestral Lineage Healing and Crystal Medicine

Explore ancestral lineage healing with the powerful energy of crystal medicine. Connect with your ancestral wisdom, release generational patterns, and undergo personal transformation.

Nourish Your Body and Soul

Enjoy a light lunch with locally-sourced organic cuisine, nourishing your body while complementing your spiritual journey.

Sacred Anointing with Rare Aromatic Formulas

Experience a sacred anointing with rare aromatic formulas associated with Mary Magdalene. These exquisite scents activate your senses, open your heart, and deepen your connection with the divine.

Connect with Kindred SpiritsJoin us on May 28 for a gathering of kindred spirits. Create meaningful connections, share experiences, and immerse yourself in a supportive community.

Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your spiritual journey with the magic of Mary Magdalene. Reserve your spot today for the enchanting workshop that will ignite your soul and empower your true essence.                                                                                                                                                                             

Meet Your Facilitator: Adora Winquist, Alchemical Healing Expert; Founder of The Soul Institute; Author of Detox, Nourish, Activate.

Adora is a visionary in the dawning arena of Quantum Alchemy, intertwining the divine knowledge and ancient wisdom of esoteric philosophy, psychospiritual dynamics, essential oil, and energy medicine through her 20+ years as a facilitator, educator, formulator, and entrepreneur.