Beach Breathwork for Self-Empowerment

about this event

Empower yourself with your own innate wisdom.

You have an innate wisdom. You, your intuition, and your heart have a wisdom that knows how to guide you forward. It knows how to support you, and how to get you closer to your dreams. The problem comes when we stand in our own way, and we stop that natural flow from providing us with the information from our true center.

Fill yourself back up with support. Fill yourself up with self-confidence, with love, with your innate intelligence. Forgive yourself for the times you have been too hard on you, and step forward embodying the power, the wisdom that you know you not only have, but are.

Today we will connect together for self-empowerment. To remind your body of the information that you already have to make a decision. We will gather to claim the parts of ourselves we are filling back up with, calling back in, and forgiving and letting go. As it’s from this place that we get all that we desire, create all that we dream of. This is the place we heal from. Let’s breathe it out and breathe in this empowerment.

What is Breathwork ::

Breathwork is a 2-step active breathing technique that moves stagnant energy in the body. This practice can leave you feeling open and more ready to step into life as your authentic, natural self. If you’re interested in learning more, I’ve written an article about Breathwork here:

*All Beach Breathwork circle’s are subject to weather.

What to bring:

– yourself, and your open mind

– a yoga mat if you have one (this helps with sand if it’s wet from morning dew or winter storms)

– TWO blankets (one to lay on and one for over you)

– Dress comfortably