Village Tea Hut

Village Tea Hut is a serene space located in Newport Beach, offering daily tea ceremonies, workshops, select teas, and teaware to the Orange County community. They believe in the practice of Cha Dao, also known as the Way of Tea, which is a path of cultivation that can transform our daily lives.

By participating in tea ceremonies, individuals can slow down, become quiet, and mindfully enjoy tea. Tea is seen as a “great connector” that dissolves barriers and allows us to let go of daily tensions, deepening our connection with ourselves, others, and nature. This process creates space for wisdom and clarity to enter our lives, bringing a lasting sense of peace.

The Way of Tea reminds us that we are all part of the one great and mysterious Whole. It emphasizes the harmony and bonds that can be formed in silence, surpassing the connections created through spoken words. This philosophy is summarized by the quote from WuDe, a root teacher of Global Tea Hut: “There is an unknown, unsaid harmony between individuals who sit silently together, forming bonds of memory and friendship more unbroken than that which can be forged in the fires of speech.”

The lineage of Village Tea Hut traces back to the ancient tradition of tea, originally used by Shamans and Daoists in China as a plant spirit medicine to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Tea eventually became an integral part of the daily practice of Buddhist monks in monasteries across Southern China. The practitioners at Village Tea Hut are grateful to the long line of teachers and students who have dedicated themselves to preserving Tea’s lineage with devotion, reverence, and love. They continue this sacred tradition by sharing the healing and connection of tea with people around the world.

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