QHHT Hypnosis Session

about this event

Certified QHHT Level 2 Naomi X.  

More info: https://newearthnyc.com/  

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a holistic healing modality developed by Dolores Cannon, a hypnotherapist and author, to facilitate deep healing and exploration of one’s consciousness. QHHT combines elements of hypnosis, past-life regression, and spiritual exploration.   

A QHHT Session is the ultimate collaboration with your higher self, by taping into our past, future or parallel lives, being exposed to the pain or joy, experiencing suffering or happiness, loneliness or harmony, it unfolds our life purpose, discovers our potential, gradually develops our certainty, and builds inner strength to overcome adversity in life. QHHT & BQH is the practice (and experience) of restoring, harmonizing and balancing our Soul.  

QHHT & BQH (Beynod Quantum Healing) session is not only limited to your past life but also future life or parallel life! More importantly, the session is really for you to connect with your higher self, your higher mind which knows everything about and will always conceive the best for you.  

The questions you will be asking your higher self will be answered during the session only through this type of deepest hypnosis by tapping into your expanded consciousness to UNFOLD YOUR PURPOSE.