A Devastating 5 of Cups

WHY IT’S CONSCIOUS: Tarot as an archetypal tool to discover what’s already living within you.

It’s the 5 of Cups for Trump and the 9 of Pentacles for Biden. A tarot reader, Paula Roberts pulled just 1 card for each of them on Fox News… But what does it mean ?

The 5 of Cups

Generally the 5 of Cups does represent disappointment. Depending on which tarot deck you use the cups are either spilt and empty or show some type of fragile, withering or lacking environment. The deck Paula used in this reading is the popular Rider-Waite-Smith deck and if you’re pulling this card not in the context of anything else… you would be as Australian’s would say “devo” aka devastated.

In one of our favorite Tarot guidance books “Mirror of the Soul” by Gerd Ziegler he writes: “Either some much too high expectation of yours have been crushed, or somewhere deep inside you lurks the fear of some disappointment. Now is a good time to learn from this situation”

The 9 of Pentacles

Biden’s card on the other hand is more positive, it usually means a-lot of material abundance is around you – but also that you have time to enjoy it. It is often also associated with a new chapter of independence.

Ziegler’s suggestion for this card reads: “Check carefully whether that which you call gain is in full harmony with your ultimate goal”

Not that we watch Fox, but if they’re going to start incorporating more tarot maybe we’ll think about it. At least it was an opportunity to share more about 2 of the minor arcana today 🙂

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