about this event

Join David Straus, who works with leaders around the world reminding them what their Soul Purpose is and helping them learn how to connect their “Heart Thinking” with their “Head Thinking”. In this 2 hour workshop, David will guide you through the process of identifying and articulating your own Soul Purpose. David’s workshops are fun, engaging and interactive.

What is your true Soul Purpose—your internal compass and soul blueprint? Our Soul Purpose is a core part of our true self that we can integrate into every area of our lives. People often think that purpose is a reflection of what you do in the world. But our Soul Purpose goes far beyond a vocation. By finding your Soul Pur- pose, you will gain the clarity to be your highest self in all situations. A life with a deep understanding of purpose is a life in flow. Life opens up when you are in this alignment, and understanding how to articulate such a purpose is one way of creating deep inspiration and expansion within your body.

———About David:

David Straus has helped people and organizations around the world re-discover the passion they have deep within. His focus is helping people remember how to connect their “Heart Thinking” with “Head Thinking.” After selling his first company to Amazon in 2008, he created and headed up the Los Angeles office of IMDb (a division of Amazon). In 2013, he formed, along with his partners, his next company, Critical Mass Studios Inc. (CMS). In that same year CMS acquired Rightsline Software ( Today Rightsline is the go-to Saas platform for managing rights in the entertainment industry. In 2016, Straus began a professional transition from spending the majority of his time as CEO of CMS to focusing on coaching, leadership development and speaking publicly on those subjects as well as on Non Duality. Straus lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two sons. In his spare time, he loves writing prose poetry and discussing the unknowns of the universe.